Short Course on Entrepreneurship

This course is tailored for school children aged 8 to 16 years. It includes 9 sessions, each featuring a 20-30 minute video followed by an activity that the students will complete. Learners can either be guided through the course or work through it independently. The themes are as follows:

  1. Setting the Scene: This introductory session establishes the course’s foundation by offering an overview and setting the context for entrepreneurship. It likely covers key entrepreneurial concepts, the importance of entrepreneurship in the economy, and what participants can expect to learn throughout the course.
  2. Common Business Models: This session discusses various business models that are commonly used across different industries. It likely explores the strengths, weaknesses, and applicability of different models, helping participants understand which models might be most appropriate for their business ideas.
  3. Business Model Generation: This session delves into the creative process of generating new business models. It likely includes frameworks, tools, and exercises that help participants design innovative and viable business models tailored to their unique business ideas.
  4. Value: In this session, participants develop a deep understanding of the concept of value. It covers how businesses can create, capture, and deliver value to customers, which is central to building a successful business. The session likely discusses the value proposition and how it aligns with customer needs.
  5. Presentation Skills: This session provides techniques and tips for effective presentation skills, which are essential for business communication and sales. It likely covers how to structure presentations, engage an audience, and use visuals effectively to convey key messages.
  6. Market Validation: This session focuses on validating a market or product idea to ensure there is a demand before launch. It likely covers methods for testing business ideas, gathering feedback from potential customers, and adjusting the business model based on market insights.
  7. Personas: In this session, participants learn to develop customer personas, which are detailed representations of their target audience. This session emphasizes understanding customer needs, behaviours, and pain points, which are crucial for tailoring products and marketing strategies.
  8. Marketing Strategy: This session outlines comprehensive marketing strategies, including the selection of channels, crafting of messaging, and the use of tactics to effectively reach and engage customers. It likely emphasises the importance of aligning marketing efforts with business goals.
  9. Cashflow: This session is centered on financial management, particularly around cash flow, which is vital for the sustainability of any business. It likely covers budgeting, forecasting, and strategies to maintain healthy cash flow, ensuring the business can meet its financial obligations.

These sessions together provide a well-rounded education in entrepreneurship, covering concepts from the initial idea generation and market validation to the practical aspects of running and growing a business.

This course is provided free to schools around the world. If you are interested in using this material then please email