Studying at Albion Business School may be very different to studying you have received before. There are some steps you can take before you start to help with your studies:
Get to know your programme of study
Read any information that you have received about your programme of study , and, if possible, buy or borrow some of the books on the recommended reading list. Check out the induction information for your programme and make sure you arrive in time to take part in these events and the Welcome Week events. These will help you to get orientated and prepared to begin your study at Albion Business School.
Want to improve your English before you start your course?
You may be able to take a pre-sessional English course on campus before your course starts.
See more about our Pre-sessional English language courses.
Start reading
Our reading lists are available online once you have registered.We don’t expect you to buy any books as everything is available online, however you may decide to buy some books from the additional resources lists. This will give you a head start on reading and will build your confidence for lectures.
Get involved in welcome week
The welcome period is full of events designed to help you settle into university life, so find out how to make the most of welcome week. While you don’t have any programme learning commitments you can immerse yourself in these activities and make sure you’re prepared to start your degree. Organisation is key – make sure you know in advance when you have to be somewhere, as will help with planning your time in the long run.