Renumeration and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference

Renumeration and Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference

Reporting Arrangements

The Remuneration and Human Resources Committee (RHRC) is accountable to and reports to the Board of Trustees of the Charity.

Purpose and Scope

  1. Development of remuneration and reward policies for those staff accountable to BOT together with terms and conditions of employment for such staff.
  2. Discussion of Human Resources Strategy for all staff.


  1. To review and approve as necessary the remuneration framework at an institutional level for all staff.
  2. To review and discuss the School’s People and Culture Strategy, and provide BOT with assurance on its implementation.
  3. To receive an annual report on employment policy matters, including health and safety.
  4. To review annually the remuneration (including levels and rates of Performance Related Pay), terms and conditions of employment and all other benefits of the Senior Executive and make appropriate recommendations to BOT.
  5. To make recommendations to BOT for severance payment terms for the Senior Executive taking account of Office for Students’ guidance.
  6. Under delegated authority from BOT, to approve the remuneration (including levels and rates of Performance Related Pay), terms and conditions of employment and all other benefits of all members of School’s Executive Committee (with the exception of the Senior Executive).
  7. Under delegated authority from BOT, to approve severance payment terms in respect of all members of School’s BOD (with the exception of the Senior Executive) taking account of Office for Students’ guidance.
  8. To consider options for succession planning for members of School’s BOD.
  9. In carrying out its work the Committee is to be guided by national benchmarks in the Sector and recognised good practice. Its decision-making and recommendations to BOT shall be consistent where applicable with the School’s People and Culture Strategy.
  10. To consider equality, diversity, and inclusion issues arising from the remit of the Committee.
  11. To consider Risk Assessment issues arising from the remit of the Committee and to recommend, or implement, action as appropriate.
  12. Recommending the Recognition and Facilities Agreement with the Trades Unions, as amended from time to time, to BOT for ratification.


  1. Membership shall consist of internal staff comprising:
    1. The Chair, lay member, as nominated by the BOT.
    2. Two lay members, appointed by BOT
    3. Ex-officio member – Chair of BOT (non voting)
    4. Attendance
      1. Director of Operations
      2. Chair of Audit and Risk Committee

All members must meet the ‘Fit and Proper Persons’ Requirements as required by the Office for Students. Should an appointed member no longer be a ‘fit and proper person’ they must notify the School immediately

Term of Office

  1. The Chair, in the first instance, may serve up to a period of three (3) years. Thereafter, the RHR may elect another RHR member to be Chair for a period of up to three (3) years for each term.
  2. Members will serve while they hold their respective roles.
  3. Nominated staff members may serve a two to three (2 to 3) year term, as decided by the AB
  4. Casual vacancies shall be filled by invitation of the AB and shall serve only the remaining period of the member they replace and be eligible for reappointment.

Meeting Frequency and Quorum

  1. The committee will meet at least once (1) times a year, but more frequently if required. Meetings may be face-to-face, electronic or a combination of face- to- face and electronic meetings.
  2. No business may be transacted unless there is a quorum of half the membership (not including casual vacancies).