Maternity, Adoption & Paternity Leave
There are three schemes available to the Albion’s employees on the birth or adoption of a child:
• Maternity (Statutory Maternity Leave and Statutory Maternity Pay)
• Paternity (Statutory Paternity Leave)
• Adoption (Statutory Adoption Leave and Statutory Adoption Pay)
Each of these schemes has different qualifying periods and conditions, which may alter as statutory arrangements change. There are, however, some conditions which are common to all three schemes as follows:
1. All employees who have taken maternity, paternity or adoption leave have a statutory right to return to work at the end of that leave period, subject to their contract enabling them to do so.
2. Where an employee returns after maternity, paternity, or adoption leave (including any approved unpaid leave following on from those leave periods) their employment will be regarded as having been continuous through the leave.
3. Maternity, paternity and adoption leave will not be counted against the employee’s entitlement to sick leave.
4. Holiday entitlement will continue to accrue during maternity, paternity, and adoption leave.
5. There will be no distinction between live and still births past the 24th week of pregnancy in the granting of maternity leave.
Albion Maternity Pay
6. Female staff who are pregnant are entitled to Statutory Maternity Leave and may also be entitled to Statutory Maternity Pay.
Albion Paternity Pay
7. The partner of a woman who gives birth, or the partner of a person adopting, may be entitled to Statutory Paternity Leave and Albion Paternity Pay.
Albion Adoption Pay
8. Staff who adopt may be entitled to Statutory Adoption Leave and Pay.