Freedom of Speech Policy
1. Introduction
Albion of is committed to the active promotion of freedom of speech within the law and thus to ensure that our students and staff are able to discuss and debate ideas freely.
Our approach to ensuring freedom of speech within the law will be based on the following principles:
(a) Freedom of speech is at the heart of all democratic societies and a foundation stone of higher education;
(b) The promotion of a culture of tolerance of differing views and perspectives and an acceptance that, in a free and open environment of academic debate, ideas will be robustly contested and challenged;
(c) The need, on occasion, to balance the right to freedom of speech against the need reasonably to protect the rights of others;
(d) The need, when balancing rights, to ensure that this is done in a way that is proportionate (thus meeting a high and evidenced benchmark of appropriateness) and legal, and informed by an assessment of whether any balancing action could be undertaken in a way that is less restrictive; and
(e) That any restriction that may be required shall be an exception.
2. Speakers and Events
A crucial part of our approach to promoting freedom of speech within the law is the way in which we encourage a culture of open debate through inviting external speakers onto our campuses to discuss important and sometimes challenging issues. To support and promote external speakers and associated events, Albion and our student unions’ have developed speakers and events policies.
Albion will always seek to allow a speaker to speak and an event to go ahead with minimal mitigation, but we recognise that, in certain cases, it will be necessary to put in place arrangements to ensure fair and open debate within the law, a balance of viewpoints and the safety of our students and staff.
Albion works closely with our students to ensure that we have robust, fair and transparent arrangements in place to manage speaker events within the expectations of the law and regulation that take place on its premises.
3. Our Policies and Procedures
We will ensure that there is no hindrance beyond the requirements of the law placed on a member of Albion’s right to freedom of speech through any relevant policy or procedure, particularly the following:
(a) Our disciplinary procedures for students and staff.
(b) Our contractual arrangements for staff.
(c) Our contractual arrangements with students.
(e) Our processes for the reporting of concerns.
4. Freedom of Speech and the Law
In ensuring the active promotion of freedom of speech within the law, Albion will be mindful of the following legislation:
(a) Section 43 of the Education Act 1986
Which places a duty upon universities to take reasonably practicable steps to ensure freedom of speech on its premises. This duty also applies to student unions where university premises are being used to host a union speaker/event.
(b) The Education Act 1994
Which places financial and governance oversight duties upon universities with regard to student unions.
(c) The Human Rights Act 1998
Which establishes the individual’s right to freedom of expression in UK Law.
(d) Charity Law (mainly Charities Act 2011)
That includes a duty placed upon charities to ensure freedom of speech within the law.
(e) The Equality Act 2010 (including the public sector equality duty)
That places duties upon public authorities to prevent discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics as set out in the Act. Albion also has a duty to foster positive relations between communities.
(f) Health and Safety Law
Which places duties upon public authorities to ensure compliant arrangements for safe and healthy working and operations within its premises.
(g) The Prevent Duty
Which places a duty under the powers of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 on relevant higher education bodies to prevent students and staff from being drawn into support for or participation in terrorism.
Examples of illegal speech
Albion regards the following as examples of illegal speech:
(i) Speech that encourages or supports violence against specific groups or individuals.
(ii) Speech that encourages support for or participation in terrorism as defined by the Terrorism Act 2001.
(iii) Speech that encourages or supports any other form of criminal activity.
Normally, speech that may cause offence to individuals or specific groups and is not illegal speech as defined in (i) and (ii) above, while not necessarily supported or encouraged by Albion, will be permitted, although under certain circumstances only with appropriate mitigation (see section 3).
Albion recognises that its legal duties must on occasion be balanced against one another, particularly with regard to our general duty of care to staff and students, and we will ensure that any decision taken is subject to a reasonableness test (for example: where a complaint is made about a speaker or event on the grounds of perceived harassment or offence). This will include an assessment of the potentially disproportionate impact upon those who are vulnerable and protected under the Equality Act 2010.
While we will, as part of our duty of care to our students and staff, offer support to those who have been negatively impacted by the free expression of controversial or challenging ideas or views, we will not seek to prevent or sanction speech that is within the law.
5. Raising Concerns
Albion Freedom of Speech policy is owned by the Director of Operations.
If you wish to raise a concern email