Examination Board Terms of Reference

Examination Board Terms of Reference

Reporting Arrangements

The Examinations Board (EB) is accountable to and reports to the Academic Board (AB).

Purpose and Scope

  1. The EB is a sub-committee of the AB.
  2. The primary role of the EB is to moderate student results and proposed grades received from faculties and approve final grades and the graduand list for endorsement by the AB.
  3. The EB recommends to the AB the appointment of external examiners,
  4. The EB also monitors the consistency and equivalence of assessment processes.


  1. Collate assessment data from different subjects as a way of monitoring consistency and equivalence of assessment.
  2. Conduct moderation of student assessment results and grades received from faculties, and report on amendments required due to errors, and amendments based on bell curve processes.
  3. Conduct external moderation processes periodically, including blind marking of assignments on a sampling basis.
  4. Approve final grades for publication each teaching term and report to the AB for endorsement.
  5. Check graduand eligibility and approve the list of graduands for endorsement by the AB, specifying the award each graduand is to receive.
  6. Monitor processes for the appointment of invigilators and invigilation procedures.
  7. Monitor and prepare reports on the effectiveness of examination related policies where relevant and submit reports to the CDRC and AB.
  8. Promote high standards of academic integrity, monitor processes for minimising academic misconduct and report to the AB.
  9. Advise on any other matters referred to the committee by the AB.


The EB shall consist of:

  1. A Chair who will be the Dean
  2. Director of Operations
  3. The Registrar
  4. Two (2) nominated academic staff
  5. An Institutional External Examiner will be invited to attend meetings of the EB

All members must meet the Fit and Proper Persons Requirements as required by the Office for Students. Should an appointed member no longer be a ‘fit and proper person’, they must notify the School immediately.

Term of Office

  1. The Chair, in the first instance, may serve up to a period of three (3) years. Thereafter, the AB may elect another AB member to be Chair for a period of up to three (3) years for each term.
  2. Members will serve while they hold their respective roles.
  3. Nominated staff members may serve a two to three (2 to 3) year term, as decided by the AB.
  4. Casual vacancies shall be filled by invitation of the AB and shall serve only the remaining period of the member they replace and be eligible for reappointment.

Meeting Frequency and Quorum

  1. The EB will meet at least twice (2) times a year, but more frequently if required. Meetings may be face-to-face, electronic or a combination of face- to- face and electronic meetings.
  2. No business may be transacted unless there is a quorum of half the membership (not including casual vacancies).