Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Statement
Albion is committed to equality of opportunity and is opposed to all forms of discriminatory practices and attitudes. Albion acknowledges its legal obligations to provide equality of opportunity for staff and student members of its community.
The Trustees are responsible for the development, promotion, and implementation of the policy, within the resources available, working with the senior management team, the Academic Board, and the Human Resources Committee of the Board of Governors.
Albion will function in such a way that it does not discriminate directly or indirectly in the admission, progress, and assessment of students; the appointment, development and promotion of staff; the treatment of any individual on grounds of the nine identified protected characteristics. These are age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender re-assignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, religion and belief, and sexual orientation. In addition, Albion includes care responsibility, socio-economic background, trade union activity, and political beliefs.
Albion opposes practices which, directly or otherwise, promote sexism, racism, and heterosexism, or which neglect and are prejudicial to people with disabilities, or from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. Albion will establish procedures, which ensure that individuals are treated solely on the basis of their merits and abilities.
Albion is committed to opening up learning opportunities to all sections of the community. Albion will work to increase the opportunities for mature students, particularly working adults, and for those without traditional entry qualifications. It recognizes that the provision of equality of opportunity must also encompass learning and teaching, curriculum issues and the manner in which staff and students are treated inside the institution. Where appropriate, provision will be made for those who have experienced unequal opportunity in education, in order to widen access and facilitate progression for under-represented groups (including women, members of minority ethnic groups, people with disabilities and those from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds).
Where appropriate, action will be taken to facilitate the development and career opportunities of groups currently under-represented in the work force overall and/or at particular levels.
This policy is the responsibility of every member of Albion community. However, those who hold management, supervisory or other senior positions in the organisation have additional and particular responsibilities to ensure the effectiveness of its application and that all staff and students are aware of its requirements. Albion will ensure that there are appropriate training and development programmes and that implementation is effectively monitored.
The policy affects all the work that Albion does, and it cannot be modified or altered by or for any part of Albion. It also extends to all contractors and subcontractors of Albion.